Here at Pempamsie we offer Natural products for hair and body, products to assist you with your healthier lifestyle journey. Whatever your health goals are for the year why not stop by for your natural essentials and remedies. We have friendly, knowledgeable staff who are here to help and support.
(All questions are held with the deepest confidence)
The Number 1 reason why treatments stop working for users is the fact that users stop the treatments once they seeing results. Users fall back to the easy routine of everyday living. Users need to continue the treatments as part of their new everyday lifestyle.
Pempamsie have bespoke packages for new everyday treatments. Our team can book you in for 1 to 1 consultations to create a new EveryDay routine to aid in your recovery.
We totally understand the importance of diagnosis and ALL of the Pempamsie team are trained and experienced in customer privacy.
1 to 1 private consultations offer secure and experienced advice within a warm and relaxed environment.
All diagnosis, symptoms and ailments are private and never shared between any third party.
Pempamsie take customer care and privacy as one of the highest unbreakable rules between client and consultant.